Use this calculator to estimate your positive or negative monthly cash flow.
Find out how your investment will grow over time with compound interest.
Use this calculator to discover how debt consolidation could help you reduce your monthly payments.
Use this calculator to estimate the cost of your post-secondary education and see if your planned savings will be enough.
This calculator will help you estimate how much to save in your emergency fund.
No matter what type of investment you buy or advice you receive, you will be charged fees. Use this calculator to estimate how these fees can affect your investments over time.
This calculator will help you find out how long it will take for your investment to recover its value after a market downturn and identify how long it will take to get back on track to reach your original goal.
Calculate your mortgage payment amount and the impact of optional additional prepayments.
Calculate your mutual fund fees to estimate how it may affect your return.
Calculate your net worth – the difference between what you own and what you owe – and compare your results to other Canadian households.
If you have extra money, this calculator helps you decide whether to invest or pay off debt.
This calculator will give you monthly payment plans for up to 8 credit cards or loans, including lines of credit and mortgages. It will show you the order in which you should pay off the debts, and how long it will take.
Use common benchmarks to assess the performance of a portfolio.
Estimate your child(ren)’s future education costs, and see how your planned RESP savings, including contributions and grants, will cover those costs.
Use this budget worksheet to see the difference in your income and costs before and after you retire.
Use this calculator to plan your cash flow in retirement.
Use this calculator to estimate withdrawals from your RRIF in retirement and see how long your savings will last.
Estimate how much your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) will be worth at retirement and how much income it will provide each year.
Use this calculator to see how changes to your spending habits can impact your budget and help you save more of your money.
Use this calculator to estimate the value of the investments in your TFSA when you’re ready to withdraw them and compare this amount to the value of your investments in a non-registered plan to see your overall estimated tax savings.