Common investment fees
You may have to pay fees to buy, hold or sell your investments. You may also have to pay accounts fees and fees for advice. Some common fees include:
- sales charges if you buy or sell a mutual fund
- management fees and operating expenses (known as the management expense ratio or MER) if you own a mutual fund or ETF
- trading commissions when you buy and sell a stock or an ETF
- fees for selling an investment early or transferring an investment
- account fees, such as trustee fees for registered plans and fees to close an account
- fees for the advice you receive.
You may also have to pay taxes on what your investments earn.
Your account statements will tell you about many of your costs and fees. Others may not appear on your statements. Ask your adviser or investment firm about all of the costs involved in your investments.
Key point
To figure out your total return on an investment, you’ll need to factor in your investment costs.