This survey examined the financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic on retail investors in Canada.
Research & reports
Delve into our research on Canadians’ needs and habits in finances and investing.
Financial Literacy: A Foundation of the Investor Experience
Achieving progress in increasing financial literacy may be key to strengthening investor protection and experiences.
Improving Fee Disclosure through Behavioural Insights
This research report that identifies behaviourally informed ways to improve how investment fees are communicated to investors.
Encouraging Retirement Planning through Behavioural Insights
This research report that identifies behaviourally informed ways that government, regulators, employers, and financial institutions can encourage retirement planning.
National Investor Research Study
Canadians aged 18-34 are the most likely to believe their standard of living will increase in retirement, despite being the least likely to have started saving for retirement of any age group.
Getting Started: Human-Centred Solutions to Engage Ontario Millenials in Investing
Millennials face barriers when attempting to learn more about or start investing, as well as tactics for addressing these barriers.
Taking Caution: Financial Consumers and the Cryptoasset Sector
Cryptoassets are designed to serve a variety of purposes. The vast majority of Ontarians are approaching cryptoassets with caution.
MISSING OUT: Millenials and the Market
The savings and investment
decisions that millennials make will have significant implications not only for themselves, but also for Ontario’s capital markets and its economy.
MISSING OUT: Report and Resources
Top reasons non-investor millennials gave for avoiding investing included having other financial priorities, not having enough income or savings, not knowing enough about investing, and concerns about losing money in the markets.
Investing as we age
This survey aims to better understand the financial knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Ontarians who are 45 years or older or approaching this demographic.
Behavioural insights: key concepts, applications, and regulatory considerations
Behavioural insights recognize how people actually behave versus traditional economic and market theory of people as rational actors.
IOSCO C8 Report on Senior Investor Vulnerability
This report examines the potential issues faced by senior investors around the world and how these can affect their interactions with financial services.