Learn about exchange-traded funds and how you can track its value.
Our videos show you the basics of investment types, frauds to watch for, and more.
How to spot & avoid recovery room scams
Learn about recovery room scams and how to avoid them.
What is an RRSP?
Learn how an RRSP can help you save for retirement.
What is a TFSA?
Learn how a TFSA can help you save and invest for any future goal.
What are behavioural biases?
Find out how behavioural biases can influence your decisions.
What is loss aversion?
Learn how the fear of losing can lead you to make poor investing decisions.
What is confirmation bias?
See how sticking with what’s familiar could have you missing out on good investing opportunities.
What is herd behaviour?
Find out why following the actions of people around you may not be a smart strategy when it comes to investing.
How to prepare for a financial emergency
Learn how an emergency fund can help you prepare for the unexpected.
8 red flags of crypto fraud
Crypto is known for its price volatility. Watch our video to learn about the warning signs of crypto fraud before considering any investment.
How to avoid AI voice scams
Learn about what AI voice scams are and how to protect yourself from them.
How to spot & avoid romance scams
Find out how to recognize and avoid romance scams, and who to contact if you have been scammed.