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Showing results 271-280 of 310

What is a pension plan and how does it work?

…can do this by: buying an annuity from an insurance company, or transferring your savings to a locked-in retirement income fund (LRIF) or similar income fund designed specifically for pension…

4 min read

How Group RRSPs and Group TFSAs work

…fewer investment choices than you would with an individual RRSP. CAUTION There may be restrictions on withdrawals from your Group RRSP while you are employed. Understand the rules of the…

2 min read

Understanding group RESPs

…in lower-risk investments with fixed returns. Examples: bonds, GICs, mortgages. The sales fees you pay when you join the plan decrease the earning power of your investment in the first…

3 min read

Educational assistance payments (EAPs)

…grants, the earnings on the grants and a share of the group plan’s combined earnings. Group plans often have additional rules about how much and how often your child can…

2 min read

Registration categories

…services). Not all titles are created equal Titles like financial advisor, financial planner, investment consultant, and investment specialist aren’t legally defined terms or official registration categories. Some advisers or dealers…

1 min read

Affinity fraud

…unsolicited investment opportunities that you might receive over the phone, online or from acquaintances. Before you invest, call the Ontario Securities Commission or get a second opinion from someone you’ve…

3 min read

Pump and dump scams

…posting several messages under different screen names. It is also possible for an individual to post negative or positive information about a particular stock, in an attempt to affect the…

4 min read

4 ways to borrow to invest

…money suitable for your goals and risk tolerance? How much will you have to pay in commissions and fees? What are the tax consequences? Depending on what you invest in,…

3 min read

Creating a plan to reach your goals

…had an accident and couldn’t work? How can you lower your taxes? How much income will you need when you retire? How can you reduce taxes on your estate? 3…

1 min read

Long-term care insurance basics

…set amount. 2. Coverage is available at later ages Long-term care insurance is available at later ages (usually up to age 80) than many other types of insurance. However, the…

2 min read
Showing results 271-280 of 310