…insurance coverage you may consider: Through your employer if they offer a group insurance plan By buying creditor insurance when you apply for a loan, mortgage, line-of-credit or credit card…
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How to plan for occasional and unexpected expenses
…for you later. Use our pay off credit cards and debt calculator to find out how long it will take to cover occasional expenses if you put them on your…
How income tax works
…Workers Benefit (CWB). TAKE ACTION Tax credits and deductions can lower the amount of tax you have to pay. Remember to claim all the credits and deductions you’re entitled to….
5 conversation starters to build better money habits
…the last time you checked your credit report?” Your credit score and credit reports are an important part of your financial identity. The information in your credit report summarizes your…
Checklist: Protecting your financial information
…bank statements, ATM receipts, cheque stubs, or credit card statements. ✓ Check your credit report and score annually. Report lost or stolen identification, debit cards or credit cards to your…
Factors that affect bond prices and how to monitor them
…hold a bond, the more it could be affected by changes in interest rates, inflation and market declines. Credit risk Credit rating agencies assign ratings to bond issuers and to specific…
Claim tax credits on student loans and expenses
…tax credits: If you don’t use your tax credits, you can transfer credits up to $5,000 of the current year’s federal tuition amount to your: parent or grandparent spouse or…
How chequing accounts work
…chequing accounts work Chequing accounts can be used for deposits, withdrawals, or making purchases by cheque or debit card. They are also typically used for withdrawing cash through the ATM…
Caregivers and tax
…credits – the infirm dependant credit, caregiver credit and family caregiver tax credit – will be replaced by a single credit, the Canada caregiver credit (CCC). The CCC is available…
The many faces of financial elder abuse
…someone is being targeted? What are signs you’ve been targeted for financial abuse? 10 steps to protect yourself against financial abuse Who to contact if you suspect financial abuse What…