
Locked-in retirement account (LIRA)

An account that holds money moved out of a pension plan. You may use one if you are changing companies... Read Full Definition

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Showing results 61-70 of 125

Getting started with investing

…as savings deposits. These accounts can also help you save for specific goals. These are: Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) – for saving for your child’s post-secondary education Registered Retirement

5 min read

Why should you work with a financial advisor?

…financial advisor? Money plays an important role in our life, whether you are saving for a down payment on a home, your children’s education, or your retirement. For many big…

5 min read

Choose your asset mix

…be earning more. And your financial goals will likely have changed. You may be paying down a mortgage, and saving for a child’s education or for your retirement. At this…

2 min read

Why risk matters

…that you need to delay retirement or accept a lower annual income in retirement. It’s possible to take too little risk. If you don’t take enough risk, there is a…

4 min read

How to manage financial stress and avoid burnout

…reality check will show that you’re falling behind with your financial plan. Be honest about the areas you can adjust. For example, if you’re making large contributions to your retirement

4 min read

Annuity options and your payments

Annuities are one way to generate income in retirement. There are different options you can add to the annuity you want to purchase. Find out more about annuity options and…

5 min read

Segregated funds explained

…guarantee. And you pay an additional fee for this insurance protection. On this page you’ll find 3 advantages of segregated funds 3 disadvantages of segregated funds Retail versus group retirement

3 min read
Showing results 61-70 of 125