Read past issues
- March 18, 2025 Investor News: Outsmarting fraudsters; How regulators protect investors; Taking control of your finances and more
- March 4, 2025 Investor News: The costly toll of fraud on Canadian investors; Keeping your money safe from scammers; and more
- February 11, 2025 Investor News: Calculated risks during times of uncertainty, the pros and cons of DIY investing, romance scams, and more
- January 14, 2025 Investor News: Set a new financial course for 2025; Top New Year’s resolutions for investors and more
- December 11, 2024 Investor News: Are you ready for the holidays? Find out how to avoid seasonal debt, budget for charitable giving and more
- November 26, 2024 Investor News: Tips to tackle financial stress; New free online Investing Academy course and more
- November 12, 2024 Investor News: Opening up to talking about money during Financial Literacy Month; Debt reduction steps and more
- October 17, 2024 Investor News: Gamification and the stakes for investors; New tool to help you Get Smarter About Trading and more.
- October 2, 2024 Investor News: AI-enhanced scams pose real risk to investors and reboot your investing knowledge during Investor Education Month
- September 12, 2024 Investor News: OSC research finds investors open to advice from AI; and back to school tips for students and investors
- August 15, 2024 Investor News: Special summer issue showcases most popular investor education items
- June 25, 2024 Investor News: Aging in place; Trusted Contact Person; Social media and investing; Herd behaviour; Understanding annuities; Interest rates; and more
- June 11, 2024 Investor News: Stopping financial elder abuse; Retirement planning; Long-haul scammers; Behavioural biases; Whistleblower awarded; RRIFS and more
- May 14, 2024 Investor News: OSC strategic plan; Money talks; Phone fraud; Emergency funds; Accessing RESP money; Student budgeting; and more
- April 17, 2024 Investor News: OSC updates; Tackling debt; Help for investors; After-tax paperwork; Home buying; Wedding budgeting; and more
- March 21, 2024 Investor News: Investment fraud; Portfolio spring cleaning; Tax tips; Finfluencer spotlight; Crypto quiz; Short-term savings; and more
- March 5, 2024 Investor News: Fraud Prevention Month resources; Dark patterns unveiled; Phishing hooks; Whistleblower awarded; Crypto asset rules and more
- January 17, 2024 Investor News: New Year’s plans; Retirement survey; New SEAC members; Binding dispute resolution; Family financial resilience; RRSP basics and more
- December 12, 2023 Investor News: Holiday money talks; Tasting diversification; Seasonal spending; Family viewing; Reindeer behaviour and you; TFSA tally; and more
- November 30, 2023 Investor News: Research reveals crypto trends; Financial resilience; Voice clone scams; OSC priorities; Gift budget worksheet; and more
- November 7, 2023 Investor News: Financial Literacy Month; Investing Academy launch; Reduce debt; Getting help; Spot phishing; Banking basics; Emergency plans; and more
- October 24, 2023 Investor News: Investor resilience; Mutual funds 101; Defining greenwashing; AI checkup; Volatility explained; Crypto quiz; Financial plan; and more
- October 4, 2023 Investor News: Investor Education Month and World Investor Week; ESG investing; Stock basics; Finfluencer spotlight; Financial planning; and more
- September 19, 2023 Investor News: Relaunched TODAY; Innovative design; Enhanced accessibility; AI features; Voice scams; Back-to-School; and more
- August 1, 2023 Investor News: Highlight reel of notable items; Gamification research; Retirement planning; Multilingual resources; Investor protection; and more
- June 20, 2023 Investor News: Tackling debt; RRIFs FYI; Resources for seniors; Vacation-ready finances; Regulatory updates; Defining power of attorney; and more
- June 6, 2023 Investor News: Retirement planning; Seniors Month; Recovery room scams; Investor protection; Calculating net worth; Join SEAC or IAP; and more
- May 5, 2023 Investor News: Investment fee transparency; Taylor Swift smarts; OSC priorities; See-through crypto scams; Pension plans; Money talks with kids
- April 13, 2023 Investor News: Investment account protection; Financial lifeline; First Home Savings Account; Tax refund idea; How ETFs work; Emergency fund; and more
- March 21, 2023 Investor News: New multilingual website; OSC in the Community; Whistleblower program; Spot and stop scams; Budgeting; GICs and more
- March 7, 2023 Investor News: Fraud Prevention Month; sharpening fraud detection skills, crypto asset trading platforms, OSC Dialogue, independent finances and more
- February 7, 2023 Investor News: Retirement savings season; RRSP or TFSA?; Finances with your partner; Love and money quiz; RRSP calculator; Financial goals and more
- January 12, 2023 Investor News: Investment time horizon; New SRO launches; Go from spending to saving; First Home Savings Account details; RRSP calculator and more
- December 7, 2022 Investor News: Holiday debt; Year-end checklist, Investment risk; Herd behaviour; Multilingual resources; Romance scams; OSC priorities and more
- November 22, 2022 Investor News: Gamification and its influence on investor behaviour, knowing your biases, avoiding investment pitfalls and more
- November 1, 2022 Investor News: Financial Literacy Month; Improve your financial literacy; What to do when you owe money; Test your crypto knowledge; and more
- October 20, 2022 Investor News: Assessing Canadians crypto knowledge; Your finfluencer filter; Recession reflections; Inflation and your investments; and more
- October 4, 2022 Investor News: Investing basics, World Investor Week, Recognizing greenwashing, Your money and inflation and more
- September 13, 2022 Investor News: Investor survey uncovers knowledge gaps; Saving in inflationary times; ABCs of RESPs; Crypto assets 101; Student budgeting; and more
- August 4, 2022 Investor News: Top stories for your summer reading list; Don’t be fooled by fraudsters; How to grow and guard your money; Behavioural Bias; and more
- June 30, 2022 Investor News: Decode crypto with our new website; Interest rates review; OBSI independent evaluation; Star power ploys; Switching advisors; and more
- June 8, 2022 Investor News: Investing in a bear market; Preparing for retirement; Avoiding grandparent scams; What is ESG investing; Crypto fraud; and more
- May 3, 2022 Investor News: Raise your inflation IQ; Total Cost Reporting; Test your behavioural biases; Key steps for fraud victims; Stocks 101; and more
- April 5, 2022 Investor News: Budding investors take cues from spring; How a scammer might contact you; Good reasons to file your taxes; QuadrigaCX Report; and more
- March 1, 2022 Investor News: Fraud Prevention Month; Avoiding Crypto Fraud; Steering Clear of Online Fraudsters; Contributing to an RESP; Tax Time Tips; and more
- February 8, 2022 Investor News: Inflation and your finances; Avoid Romance Scams; Understanding RRSPs and TFSAs; Market Volatility; Crypto Caution; and more
- January 19, 2022 Investor News: Financial Wellness; Recovery Room Scams; Digital Tokens; Invest or Pay Down Debt; Investor Personality Quiz; Acting ED Sonny Randhawa
- December 7, 2021 Investor News: Holiday Spending; Budgeting Tips; Spotting Fake Corporate Websites; New Debt Consolidation Calculator; GSAM on Instagram; and more
- November 3, 2021 Investor News: Financial Literacy Month; Small Businesses; Climate-Related Disclosure Standards; Socially Responsible Investing; Debt Consolidation
- October 4, 2021 Investor News: Investor Education & Protection; Compound Growth; Investment Risks; Mutual Fund Series Explained; Investor Knowledge Quiz & more
- September 21, 2021 Investor News: Index ETFs, RESP Savings; Analyzing Stocks; Inheritances; Diversification; Scam Spotter; TSX Opening & more
- August 31, 2021 Investor News: Our most notable and popular investor resources, publications and updates over the past year
- August 5, 2021 Investor News: Protecting Older & Vulnerable Investors; Finding Your Financial Path; Anesis Investments – Recovered Funds; Education Cost Calculator
- June 15, 2021: Investor News: Preventing Financial Elder Abuse; CanAge’s Laura Tamblyn Watts; Signs of Abuse; Identity Theft; Fee Calculator; TFSA Schemes; Survey
- June 1, 2021: Investor News: Personal Finance for Seniors; Types of POA; RRIFs; Affinity Fraud; Personal Information; Reverse Mortgages; Mortgage Payment Calculator
- May 20, 2021: Investor News: Personal Cash Flow; OBSI’s Sarah Bradley; DSC Ban; Making a Complaint; Signs of Fraud; Mutual Fund Fees; June 9 Townhall; and more
- April 21, 2021: Investor News: New Study – Self-Directed Investing; Stock Market Basics; First-Time Investor Mistakes; Cannabis; RRSPs; Teaching Children About Money
- April 12, 2021: Investor News: New Research – Investing and the COVID-19 Pandemic; Net Worth Calculator; OSC Chair & CEO Grant Vingoe; Emergency Funds; Gig Economy
- March 23, 2021: Investor News: Spring Cleaning Your Portfolio; Your Investing Personality; Pump-and-Dump Scams; Inflation; Cryptocurrencies; Women on Boards; Qs & As
- March 2, 2021: Investor News: Fraud Prevention Month; Do-It-Yourself Investing; March 10 Townhall; Checking Registration; New; Mutual Funds; Readiness Quiz
- February 11, 2021: Investor News: Meme Stocks; Meet Wendy Berman; Recent Market Volatility; Social Media & Investing; RRSP Transfers; Bitcoin & Cryptoassets; ETFs
- January 7, 2021: Investor News: New Year’s Financial Resolutions; Mutual Fund Fee Calculator; Paying Down Debt; Initial Public Offerings; Retirement Savings
- December 15, 2020: Investor News: Holiday Financial Stress; Robo-Advisor Basics; Charitable Donations; TFSA Calculator; Protect Your Identity; Syndicated Mortgages Rules
- November 26, 2020: Investor News: Ontario’s New Financial Literacy Committee; Investor Research; OSC Priorities; FinLit Videos; COVID-19; Risk Tolerance; Scam Spotter
- November 9, 2020: Investor News: New Behavioural Research on Protecting Aging Investors; Making a Budget; Apply for the IAP; Retirement; Socially Responsible Investing
- November 2, 2020: Investor News: Financial Literacy Month; New Cash Flow Calculator; Investing Questions; New Investor Readiness Quiz; Income Tax; Upcoming Webinars
- October 20, 2020: Investor News: COVID-19 & Job Loss; Robo-Advisors; High-Yield Bonds; OEO Trailer Ban; Investor Decisions; OSC Dialogue; Cranial Cash Clash & more
- October 5, 2020: Investor News: Investor Education in October; SRO Framework Consultation; Pay Down Debt or Invest; COVID-19 & Retirement Savings; Diversification
- September 8, 2020: Investor News: “Back to School” for Investors; Online Investor Education; Post-Secondary Student Money Tips; Budgeting; Education Costs; SEAC
- August 19, 2020: Investor News: New Research – Investor Experience & COVID-19; Meet Walied Soliman; Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce; Summer Financial Checkup
- August 5, 2020: Investor News: Our most notable and most popular articles, tools and calculators from the past year
- June 11, 2020: Investor News: QuadrigaCX Report; COVID-19 & DSCs; Financial Health for Seniors; Checking Registration; Personal Information Inventory; Qs & As; Stableview
- June 2, 2020: Investor News: Seniors’ Month; Financial Support for Seniors; Retirement Money Tips; Financial Statement Basics; COVID-19 Response Update; Fraud Alert
- May 7, 2020: Investor News: Meet Grant Vingoe, Acting OSC Chair & CEO; COVID Scams; OSC Priorities; Dollar-Cost Averaging; Dividends; Wills; #COVIDFraudChat
- April 16, 2020: Investor News: COVID-19 News & Financial Supports; Elder Abuse Prevention; New Fraud Alerts; Telephone Townhall; CIPF; Retirement Cash Flow Calculator
- April 2, 2020: Investor News: COVID-19 & Your Money; Circuit Breakers; Emergency Benefits; Coronavirus Fraud; Cash Flow; Important Financial Dates & more
- March 19, 2020: Investor News: COVID-19 – Important information and response
- March 12, 2020: Investor News: Market Volatility; Managing Risk; Protecting Older & Vulnerable Investors; IAP; Yield Curve; Historical Charts; Seniors Tax Credits
- March 2, 2020: Investor News: Fraud Prevention Month; Market Volatility; Maureen Jensen; 4 Signs of Investment Fraud; Tax Season; RRSPs; DSCs; Telephone Townhall
- December 18, 2019: Investor News: Make a List, Check it Twice; Financial Hangovers;; All-in-one ETFs; Syndicated Mortgages & more
- November 28, 2019: Investor News: New Interactive Website; New Spending Habits Calculator; New FinLit Research; New Video Series; Expanded Multilingual Resources & more
- November 18, 2019: Investor News: Preparing for the Unexpected; New Emergency Fund Calculator; New Quiz; Reverse Mortgages; Elder Financial Abuse; Celebrity Endorsements & more
- November 1, 2019: Investor News: It’s Financial Literacy Month; Robo-advisors; New CAF Resource Hub; Mutual Fund Fee Calculator; Investor Quiz; Personal Information Inventory & more
- October 23, 2019: Investor News: Client-Focused Reforms; Working with an Advisor; Paycheque Deductions; Stocks; Fraud Trick-Email Spam Attack; Investment Risk & more
- October 1, 2019: Investor News: Investor Education; Creating a Plan; Investing for Growth & Income; World Investor Week; Compound Interest Calculator; and more
- September 5, 2019: Investor News: Back to School for Investors; New Education Cost Calculator; Budgeting; MFDA’s Mark Gordon; Credit Cards; RESPs; New Research Study
- August 19, 2019: Investor News: New Behavioural Insights Research on Fee Disclosure; Stock Market Volatility; OSC Statement of Priorities; Seniors; Calculators
- August 15, 2019: Investor News: Our most notable and most popular articles, tools and calculators from the past year
- June 26, 2019: Investor News: Summertime Savings; New Mortgage Payment Calculator; New Personal Information Inventory; Older Investors; Financial Literacy; TFSAs
- June 6, 2019: Investor News: June is Seniors’ Month; Retirement Cash Flow Calculator; Living Your Retirement; Planning for Long-Term Care; Financial Abuse & more
- May 15, 2019: Investor News: Financial Fitness; Gig Economy; Market Bubbles; New Commissioners; Extra Income; CIPF; Tracking Your Returns; Buying on Margin; IAP
- April 17, 2019: Investor News: Teaching Kids About Money; DIY Investing; Tax; New Retirement Cash Flow Calculator; Balancing Budgets; Socially Responsible Investing
- March 26, 2019: Investor News: Spring Cleaning; Fear of Missing Out; Meet FSRA’s Mark White; Identity Theft; Behavioural Insights & Fraud; Plan for Emergencies
- March 5, 2019: Investor News: Protect Your Money; Whistleblower Program; Crypto; New Commissioners; Scam Spotter; Inflation; Get Savings Back on Track; Group RESPs
- February 27, 2019: Investor News: Money Decisions; RRSPs; New RRIF Withdrawal Calculator; IIROC’s Andrew Kriegler; Active vs Passive Investing; TFSA Misconceptions; Real Estate
- February 13, 2019: Investor News: Bad Romance; It’s RRSP Season; Love and Money; RRSP and TFSA Calculators; How Much You Need; Build Your Nest Egg; Long-Term Investing
- January 31, 2019: Investor News: Fresh Start; Regulatory Burden Reduction; Reduce Your Debt; FSRA; Net Worth Calculator; Credit Cards; Financial Abuse of Seniors; RRSPs
- November 28, 2018: Investor News: New National Investor Research; New Multilingual Resources; Money Management Tips; Pay Off Credit Cards and Debt; Avoid Holiday Debt
- November 15, 2018: Investor News: Financial Literacy; Budgeting; Alternative Mutual Funds; Cryptoassets; ETFs; Retirement Quiz; Get Savings Back on Track; Qs and As
- November 1, 2018: Investor News: Financial Literacy Month; New Cryptoasset Education Resources; New Fact Cards; Reducing Spending; Scams; Investment Recovery Calculator
- October 10, 2018: Investor News: Investing in the Cannabis Industry; Business Types; Things to Know Before Investing; Celebrity Endorsements; TFSA Calculator; Qs & As
- October 2, 2018: Investor News: World Investor Week; Investor Tips; Check Before You Invest; Meet Vice-Chair Tim Moseley; SEAC; Calculators; Investor Protection Clinic
- September 5, 2018: Investor News: Back to School; RESPs; New Investor Advisory Panel Chair; First-time Investors; Tips for Life in Retirement; Home Ownership; Millennials
- August 23, 2018: Investor News: In Case You Missed It – Our most notable and most popular articles, tools, calculators, publications and initiatives from the past year
- July 27, 2018: Investor News: Retirement Planning – New Research; Investing in the Cannabis Industry; Whistleblower Program; Investing in Real Estate; RRSP vs TFSA
- July 12, 2018: Investor News: New Behavioural Insights Research – Millennials; OSC Priorities; Cryptoassets; Investor Knowledge Quiz; Budgeting; Qs & As
- June 28, 2018: Investor News: New Cryptoasset Research; Investor Protection Initiatives; Retirement Ready Quiz; Stocks; OSC in Northern Communities
- June 21, 2018: Investor News: Investor Protection Initiatives; Explainer for Investors; Digital Tokens; Compound Interest Calculator; Scam Spotter Tool; Qs & As
- June 13, 2018: Investor News: June is Seniors Month; Retirement Tools and Calculators; Growing Older; Retirement Budget Worksheet; Seniors Strategy
- March 20, 2018: Investor News: OSC Publishes Seniors Strategy; Initiatives for Older Investors & the Financial Sector; Spring Cleaning; Calculators; Risk & Return
- March 1, 2018: Investor News: Fraud Prevention Month; 7 Common Investment Scams; Teletownhall; 4 Signs of Fraud; Reporting Fraud; Check Before You Invest
- February 21, 2018: Investor News: Celebrity Endorsements; RRSP Season; Kids & Money; Local Events; Investor Protection Clinic; Rezwealth Financial Services-Claims Process
- February 9, 2018: Investor News: RRSP Season; Retirement Planning; RRSP vs TFSA; Bear Markets; Real Estate Investments; Cryptocurrency; Love & Money; New Commissioners
- January 15, 2018: Investor News: Investing in Real Estate (New Multimedia Feature); ETF Facts; Pay Off Credit Cards and Debt; Check Before You Invest; Qs & As
- December 27, 2017: Investor News: Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Investors
- December 14, 2017: Investor News: Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies; OBSI; Millennials; Interactive Investing Chart; Kids and Money; Short-Termism; Happy Holidays
- November 27, 2017: Investor News: New Research – Millennials and the Markets; Holiday Tips; Net Worth Calculator; Investing for Retirement; Vulnerable Investors; Qs & As
- November 8, 2017: Investor News: Financial Literacy Month; Educational Tools and Resources; Warning Signs of Fraud; Teletownhall; Familiarity Bias; OBSI
- October 17, 2017: Investor News: Investing in the Marijuana Industry; Investment Risks; Check Before You Invest; TFSA Calculator; OSC Annual Report; Women on Boards
- October 3, 2017: World Investor Week; Fund Facts; Binary Options Ban; Inertia; Investment Info Found on Social Media; New Research – Investing As We Age
- September 26, 2017: New Research – Investing As We Age; Using Your Home to Fund Retirement; Investor Protection Clinic; Non-GAAP Measures; Cryptocurrencies
- September 7, 2017: Cryptocurrency Offerings (ICOs/ITOs); “Back to School” for Investors; Meet Letty Dewar, IAP Chair; SEAC; Meet Carlie Weinreb
- August 16, 2017: In Case You Missed It – Our most notable and most visited articles, publications, initiatives, interviews and more from the past year
- July 14, 2017: OSC Priorities; How Rising Interest Rates Can Affect Investments; World Investor Week; New IAP Members and Chair; Paying Down Debt
- June 22, 2017: Your NEW
- June 7, 2017: June is Seniors Month; Retirement Toolkit; Meet CARP’s Wanda Morris; How Much You Need to Save for Retirement; RRSP Savings Calculator
- May 12, 2017: Binary Options Ban; Best Interest Standard; Mother’s Day; Behavioural Insights; Investor Advisory Panel; Meet Jean-Paul Bureaud
- March 29, 2017: Behavioural Insights Report; Risk Tolerance; Pay Down Debt or Invest Calculator; Bonds; Meet Tyler Fleming, Investor Office Director
- March 24, 2017: Spring Cleaning; Comment on Draft OSC Priorities; Bear Markets; Derivatives; Meet Kevin Fine, Derivatives Branch Director
- March 9, 2017: Fraud Prevention Month; Binary Options; Online Investment Advisors (Robo-Advisors); Become a Member of the Investor Advisory Panel
- February 10, 2017: RRSP Season; Investing for Retirement; Love and Money (and Paperwork); Meet OSC General Counsel Jim Sinclair; Senator Howard Wetston
- February 2, 2017: New Cost and Performance Reporting (CRM2) Resources; Meet Enforcement Director Jeff Kehoe; Risk Profiling Roundtable; OSC LaunchPad
- January 20, 2017: Meet the new CMRA’s Kevan Cowan; Mutual Fund Fees; Embedded Commissions Consultation; Tools and Calculators; Check Before You Invest
- December 9, 2016: Happy Holidays; Meet IIROC’s Andrew Kriegler, Meet the MFDA’s Mark Gordon; Understanding Real Estate Investments; Holiday Spending
- November 17, 2016: Investor Office Releases 2015-16 Activity Report; Meet the new CMRA’s Bill Black; TFSA Calculator; #RegHackTO
- November 1, 2016: Meet Jane Rooney, Canada’s Financial Literacy Leader; November is Financial Literacy Month; Teletownhall with IIROC and MFDA
- October 21, 2016: Herd Behaviour; Meet Grant Vingoe, OSC Vice-Chair and JRC Chair; OSC on the Radio; Net Worth Calculator; Meet Lisa Wilkins, CHRO
- October 6, 2016: Giving thanks; Investor Education Month; Investor Resources in 19 Languages; Teletownhall Invitation
- September 29, 2016: New Multi-Language Resources for Investors
- September 23, 2016: The Risk-Return Relationship; Meet Tyler Bush; Affinity Fraud; Mystery Shop Report; IAP Risk Profiling Research
- September 9, 2016: Back to School; Retirement Security Research; SEAC members; Meet Leslie Byberg, OSC Exec. Director; TSX opening
- August 18, 2016: In Case You Missed It – Our most popular guides, calculators, interviews, seniors resources, Oscar’s tips and more
- July 27, 2016: Exempt Market 101; New Whistleblower Program; NVCC Securities; Meet Huston Loke, OSC Corporate Finance Director
- July 7, 2016: Mutual Funds; Fees; Diversification; Consultation on Discontinuing Embedded Mutual Fund Commissions; Meet John Mountain, IFSP Director
- June 17, 2016: OSC priorities; RESPs; Seniors; OBSI; Investing Qs and As; Tips to Reduce Fees
- June 3, 2016: Seniors’ Month; New Seniors Expert Advisory Committee; Saving for Retirement; Elder Abuse; Teletownhall Invitation
- May 19, 2016: Time and Money; Diversification; Meet CIPF’s Rozanne Reszel; FinLit Champions; NASAA
- May 6, 2016: Improving Your Relationship with Your Advisor; Teletownhalls; Meet CRR Director Debra Foubert; Retirement Lessons
- April 22, 2016: Meet FAIR Canada’s Neil Gross; Understanding Index Funds; Investor Advisory Panel; Asset Mixes
- April 8, 2016: The Risks of Binary Options; Understanding Mutual Fund Series; Meet Susan Greenglass, Market Regulation Director
- March 18, 2016: Meet Maureen Jensen, Chair and CEO of the OSC; Fraud Prevention Month; Check Before You Invest Campaign
- March 4, 2016: Embeddable Fact Cards Launched; Settlement Returns $156.1M to Harmed Investors; Investor Protection
- February 12, 2016: RRSPs; OSC’s Office of Mergers and Acquisitions; Love & Money Quiz
- January 29, 2016: New Interactive Equity Crowdfunding Guide; New TFSA Calculator; Red Flags of Binary Options
- January 25, 2016: First Look: Every. Person. Matters. [Video]
- January 15, 2016: Meet Ombudsman Sarah Bradley; Online Investment Advisors; New Investor Office Video; TFSA Basics
- January 11, 2016: First Look: Financial Success is a Marathon, Not a Sprint [Video]
- December 11, 2015: Check Registration; Manage Holiday Spending; Conference on Aging Population
- November 27, 2015: Meet OSC Acting Chair Monica Kowal; Seniors Research; IOSCO Committee on Retail Investors
- November 13, 2015: IAP Risk Profiling Report; OSC Chair’s Term Ends; Crowdfunding; Women on Boards
- October 30, 2015: Meet your new Investor Office