…literate they are. 29% of investors may be underconfident because their level of financial literacy is actually higher than they think. This may cause individuals to be overly conservative in…
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ESG ratings and retail investor decision making
…with your priorities and avoid those that don’t. ESG funds use different strategies to achieve their ESG objectives. Some funds focus on a specific area of ESG, rather than all…
Investing and saving during a recession
…affected. Stock markets fluctuate up and down, but extreme market fluctuations can cause stress leading to emotional decision-making. Learn more about market volatility and behavioural bias. The effect of rising…
Income trusts
…trusts can offer higher yields to investors. Income trusts can stop paying distributions to investors at any time. This could cause the shares to drop in value because it makes…
How to monitor ETF performance
1. Compare it to other ETFs Use resources like Globefund or Morningstar to see how an ETF is performing relative to other similar funds. 2. Compare it to its benchmark…
Mutual fund series
…series or class is typically identified by a letter. However, there is no standard for how companies use letter designations to distinguish between their series or classes. This article includes…
Tracking your investing returns
…any fees you paid over a specific period of time. The rate of return is often calculated annually. It’s important to know your rate of return because: It shows how…
Choosing a mortgage
…your mortgage. The longer the term, the higher the interest rate. That’s because you’re getting a set rate for many years — no matter if interest rates go up or…
Social influencers and your finances
Just because someone has a lot of followers doesn’t mean their advice is right for you. Social media influencers are increasingly sharing information about investing. This can be done by…
Budgeting in retirement
Planning for retirement starts with knowing what you earn and what you spend. Use this budget worksheet to see the difference in your income and costs before and after you…