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Showing results 51-60 of 324

Financial steps for getting ready for retirement

…There are three commonly used savings plans for retirement funds: 1. Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) This registered account is typically used for investing but it can also hold savings deposits. An RRSP lets you…

9 min read

Shedding light on dark patterns

…shown to negatively impact investor welfare. Dark patterns are a type of digital engagement practice that employ user interface choices to coerce, steer, and/or deceive users into making decisions that…

6 min read

Prepare for the unexpected

…bank accounts, investment accounts, and credit cards with details and contact information. Keep a copy of your latest account statement(s) in your information package. Estate documents Include a copy of…

5 min read

What happens to your RRIF when you die

…for your RRIF. It’s an important part of estate planning. If your RRIF beneficiary is your spouse What happens to your RRIF depend on whether you name your spouse as…

4 min read

How to manage money as a couple

…about finding what works best for you. Consider how these three approaches work. Joint accounts approach In this strategy, couples pool their resources into joint accounts and pay for expenses…

8 min read

Top 10 tips for first time investors

…endorsements, or just because they are new. You may have started investing because you saw something popular or because of a tip from friends. While it might be tempting, and

6 min read

Medical and attendant care expenses

If you’ve paid any medical expenses for yourself, spouse, and dependants the 12-month period of the current tax year, you can claim tax credits on your return. Learn more below…

3 min read

Phishing scams

…phishing, scammers may use information about you for identity theft. Your personal details could be used by scammers in many ways. They could access your bank account or open a…

5 min read

6 money tips for life in retirement

…Plan (CPP) payments, Old Age Security (OAS), or the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). 2. Learn about tax credits Older Canadians may be able to use tax credits to reduce the…

2 min read
Showing results 51-60 of 324