There are key differences that may help you decide whether to save or invest.
How interest rates affect your investments
An interest rate is the amount a lender charges as a percentage of the total amount borrowed.
Investing and the COVID-19 Experience
This study was part of the OSC’s ongoing efforts to monitor the impact of the pandemic on investors and markets.
Protecting Aging Investors through Behavioural Insights
A review of literature from behavioural science, psychology and economics revealed that there are several biases that have a greater impact on decision-making as individuals age.
4 Differences between ETFs and mutual funds
While similar in some ways, there are important differences between the two.
The benefits of re-balancing
Consider rebalancing your portfolio as regular maintenance to keep financial plan on track.
The Investor Experience 2020
This survey examined the financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic on retail investors in Canada.
10 reasons to read the notes to financial statements
Notes that accompany financial statements are often as important as the statement.
Financial statement basics
Understanding financial statements is an essential step to informed investment decision-making.
Market-wide circuit breakers
A market-wide circuit breaker is a regulatory measure that temporarily halts trading on all Canadian…
Mutual funds 101 Part 1: What is a mutual fund?
Find out how mutual funds work and learn about some of their benefits.
Financial Literacy: A Foundation of the Investor Experience
Achieving progress in increasing financial literacy may be key to strengthening investor protection and experiences.